Core Values
Commit and ensure that all customers coming to Mooncare are treated equally. Always be transparent and clear with customers from the service provision stage to service support staff.
Put the needs and feelings of customers at the center. Always be there to listen, understand and care with all your heart like a loved one in the family.
Providing quality services, supported by a dedicated, experienced staff. Always improving, innovating, ensuring standard and safe care processes for all customers.
A platform that connects teams, customers and partners in a common mission: improving the quality of life.
Respect human values, not only take care of physical health but also support the spirit, personalization. Spread warmth and connection in the community.

To become a healthcare brand, a trusted partner, bringing peace of mind and strong connections to every family, on the journey to build a healthy society.
Mooncare is committed to providing dedicated, professional and comprehensive healthcare services, with customer satisfaction at the center.